Christmas 2020

Hi Everyone,

Hopefully you have found some sanity at the end of this topsy turvy year. We at #3 Rogers Crt, Traralgon, hope that you have a merry time this Christmas and a wonderful faith-filled 2021.

Photo by Rick Oldlands on Unsplash (Creative Commons)

Personally, despite the dreaded virus changing much of the way we normally go about life, there has been endearing aspects to remember 2020 by: I’ve continued to write songs and participate in online learning, completing a course in Understanding Dementia with University of Tasmania’s Wicking Project. Our casual relief teacher network, LVCRTN has had an in-person break-up after almost a year of online meetings courtesy of Traralgon Rotary’s generosity in freely sharing their Zoom profile. TR also funded many youth workers to complete Youth Mental Health First Aid. Cathie & Allan Halliwell and myself attended in our roles with JACC. Also, JACC (Gippsland UCA camping) planned camps for children and youth which didn’t take place yet.

Time away in the caravan happened just three times. Firstly, at Jindivick with Kerryn, Kaeden & Jameson. We were able to find lots to occupy our time there. Next, I drove over the hills to Yarram to be there for KAPOW in February. We had a highly successful day program with Allan Halliwell driving a bus from Latrobe Valley and quite a few local Yarram kids turning up on the day. Next year it’s at Traralgon on January 16th and later Bairnsdale. My third trip was to Toora where I took in some of the sights like Agnes Falls and enjoyed my brother, David’s company for a day. Lots of places to sit, breathe and appreciate fresh air. That trip was the last thing before the second lockdown.

We (Richard, Cathlyn, Kaeden, Jameson Kerryn & I) missed going to Darling Harbour in March, then October and are hoping that our January booking will happen despite the scare on Sydney’s northern beaches.

We couldn’t see Rachel and Mike much, but enjoyed their online chats and musical presentations as Songsmith. Naomi and Barry as Fields of White and Richard and Cathlyn as Cate & Rich also did musical gigs on-line. Latrobe Council has been quite supportive of its local acts.

Meanwhile, Melissa & Liam with Eva & Zoe were in Moe and one or the other parent was leading schooling at home. Melissa was also doing her Early Education teaching course and in 2021 she starts at a learning centre in Traralgon.  It was nice to do Reading or Writing with Eva & Zoe and a touch of music (Ukelele, Eva & Piano, Zoe). The twins also enjoyed doing music with their exceptionally talented Aunty Rachel!

Cathlyn and Naomi did lots of school related work with their boys during the year. Aubrey was able to attend her half day per week 3-year-old kinder at Chairo Christian School, Traralgon.

During the year, Joan Marett, Kerryn’s mother, came to live with us. There were alterations made to the bathroom and bedrooms to accommodate her. It’s nice having her around. Our lovely neighbours, Hayden, (from #2) and his girlfriend, Ashleigh, who bought #4, made a ramp for the front glass door so Mum could access more easily.

 Meanwhile Kerryn has completed her final year as PE teacher at Morwell Central Primary School. She is now retired and will take up a new Chaplaincy role for two days each week at MCPS in 2021. Kerryn missed netball, both playing and umpiring, but was very chuffed with the Vixens win in the Super Netball in 2020. Kerryn is part of the Transition Team at Traralgon UC which hopefully will reveal a well-prepared document that confidently steers our future direction.

Happy Christmas one and all,


Kerryn and Ian Conabere


   a familiar laneway for 6 legged exercise
Kerryn on the walk for autism...
What is Pa doing?
 Above pictures by Ian Conabere